Monday, November 21, 2016

I AM THE CHANGE Awards 2016: champions of social change honoured in Karachi

With the majestic Frere Hall in the background, the event held over this weekend was all about acknowledging those who are working relentlessly for a better Pakistan.

The event kicked-off with discussions and videos highlighting the efforts of these individuals championing the cause of education, health and livelihood.

A corporate initiative to celebrate the agents of change, the ceremony included handing over of awards to recognise the contributions of these individuals who have rewritten the narrative with very limited resources in their respective fields. To encourage and amplify the efforts of individuals working for the betterment of education, health and livelihoods of underprivileged in the country- I Am the Change award for this year was given in three different categories.

The event also shed light onto Pakistan's 70 years of existence by taking the audience through a nostalgic journey of Pakistan's rich and varied cultural heritage. Narrators Imran Aslam and Nadia Jamil kept the audience engrossed throughout the evening with their conversation and dialogues about art, architecture, fashion, music, prose and poetry to highlight the cultural landscape of the country.


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