Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Big Talk World — Questioning the idea of utopia

A comment on global socio-political issues; latest show by Canvas Gallery showcases the unusual talent of Karachi-based sculptor Aamir Habib.

Essentially a visual artist with specialization in sculpture and photography, Habib is known for integrating sculpture with digital media and modern technology to highlight the reality hidden behind the superficial impressions of the society.

Originally from Kohat the Indus Valley graduate in his current body of work has used wood, fibreglass, metal, gold leaf, acrylic and photo print intricately with LED screen and lights. Questioning the idea of utopia — branded, nationalized and sold to millions worldwide, Habib laments, this perfect land or a place where right or wrong has meaning — only exists in imagination.

Focused on the new art and Known for promoting cutting edge & experimental works, gallery director Sameera Raja is of the opinion that understanding the many layers and experiencing the delightfully three-dimensional nature of Habib's work cannot be explained it requires physical presence.

Opening on November 15th the show continues daily until 24th of this month.

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