Friday, November 25, 2016

A Love Letter to Karachi — a contemporary dance drama about living and loving the city of lights

KARACHI: Purely movement based, the latest showcase at the National Academy of Performing Arts is the story of an outsider who attempts to fit in with the chaotic rhythm of the metropolis of Karachi only to fall in love with it.

The modern contemporary dance drama is another impressive collaboration between theatre director Sunil Shankar and choreographer/ dancer Joshinder Chaggar. The duo pushing the artistic limits further team up on stage with dozen other dancers for a very different kind of theatre.

The cast of fourteen with Shankar in the lead and Chaggar as the Outsider explores the emotional aspects of the city by the sea through dance and drama. The play incorporating the obvious and subtle is a cool spin on Karachi, and attempts to represent its many moods, both good and bad, purely through movement. The music for this nonverbal artistic portrayal of Karachi has been developed and composed by singer/song writer Ahsan Bari.

After a two week run last August, 'A love Letter to Karachi' was performed again at NAPA Auditorium as a joint fundraiser by the Children First - The Society & 'National Institute of Child Health.

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