Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Braadri Broadcast – One of a kind music fusion launched to promote cross ethnic harmony

KARACHI: Vibrant, diverse and utterly unique, the latest project by Hamza Jafri of co-Ven fame is a first of its kind entirely traditional fusion amongst a plethora of tried and tested east meets west formula.

Created and produced by the musician-songwriter over a period of five months Braadri Broadcast is a musical collaboration with a cross-ethnic twist that has rarely been explored before.

Featuring an all acoustic, 32 –piece orchestra the venture has led to 10 original musical compositions in 10 different languages spoken across Pakistan. A mix of Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi, Pashto, Saraiki, Shina, Burushaski, Marwari, Hindko and Urdu poetry, the endeavor also includes experimentation with rich musical traditions of various regions and provinces of Pakistan.

Each song being a duet of two traditions, the project has been conceptualized with the intention of promoting harmony across all ethnicities reveals Hamza Jafri speaking to the media at the launching ceremony. Brotherhood, unity, love and peace is what Braadri Broadcast stands for and seeks to endorse through the fusion of art and music explains Jafri.

The project is the latest venture by MAD School according to Nida Butt who is also the executive producer behind this collaboration. Primarily an online endeavor, the debut of its first video is to be followed by a new track release every week, says Butt.

Over 30 musicians on board and a team of industry veterans helming the project, Braadri Broadcast launched with the online release of its first video and a debut live performance at the Karachi Arts Council.

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