Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Gigi Hadid apologizes for Melania Trump impersonation

When Gigi Hadid did an impression of Melania Trump at the American Music Awards on Sunday and apologized for it the very early Tuesday morning – in light of the abuse and attacks she was facing.

Celebrities are taken to task by comedians, talk show hosts and often other celebrities, for their gaffes. While Melania Trump may not be a celebrity in her own right, as the future first-lady of the United States she does command some of the starlight.

The impersonation at the AMA by Haid took dig at Melania's speech that was allegedly plagiarized from an earlier speech given by Michele Obama.

Pouting her lips Melania style, Gigi put on a fake accent and declared to the audience:

"I love my husband, President Barak Obama. And our children Sasha and Malia."

The same way speeches are written by speechwriters – who end up getting blamed for plagiarism – the scripts at award shows too are writer by writers. In her apology Hadid made it clear that she "removed or changed anything in the script that [she] felt took the joke too far," she emphasized that "what remained was done in good humour with no bad intent."

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