Saturday, October 22, 2016

Dysfunctional Objects: Making art out of the ordinary

KARACHI: Titled 'Dysfunctional Objects', the latest show by Karachi's Koel Gallery gives new meaning to commonly used everyday items.

The two-person show by artists Arshad Faruqi and Sadia Salim transforms taps, tea-sets, chair, lota, and bricks into pieces of art to make their respective statement.

An architect by profession, Faruqi chooses to use the dysfunction of taps, lotas and utensils made of brass and copper to turn them into symbolic pieces of art. In addition to a political statement regarding the state and society, the works according, to Faruqi, also make a reference to old craftsmanship.

On the other hand, the display of dirty porcelain tea-sets and painted bricks by Sadia Salim depicts politics of the ordinary and elevated. A visual artist and an educator, Salim says her intervention with the objects also contemplates the hierarchies in arts and crafts.

The show will continue till November 4.

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