Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Consumer culture expressed through art

Built around pop icons and familiar imagery of product advertisement, the latest series by emerging artist Mohammad Ali is a comment on the world we live in.

Using an accessible and easily understandable visual vocabulary the multidisciplinary artist creates a meaningful dialogue about the consumer culture and the way it has reversed the conventional roles of invention and need.

 Talking about his current body of work at the opening of his third solo show Ali revealed Inability to differentiate between 'want' and 'need' and the uncontrollable and involuntary urge to consume lies at the core of the paintings displayed in the gallery.

 According to the artist titled Emperor's Real Clothes his oil on canvas series also explores the relevance and the challenges of being a painter in the contemporary art world.

 Opening on the 18th, this latest show by Canvas Gallery, Karachi will continue daily until October 27th.

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