Friday, February 24, 2017

Triad of artists showcase thier work at Chawkandi Art

KARACHI: Delightfully diverse, distinct and different in their approaches, the latest showcase by Chawkandi Art invites the viewer to enjoy the works of three important presences of art scene today.

Contemporaries of sorts and eminent in their own right as artists,  Naz Ikramullah, Siddiqua Bilgrami and Wahab Jaffer —each with a career spanning decades and countries is touted and appreciated for their respective style.

Included in the group show is the series of acrylic paintings and collagraphs in semi-abstract form by Siddiqua Bilgrami depicting human emotion through her figurative work. Her portraiture of women in distress gives a detailed account of suffering in war.

Learning from the masters like Ahmed Parvez, Ali Imam, Bashir Mirza and Gulgee, Wahab Jaffer, on the other hand, continues his exploration of female form through the bold, adventurous and intense play of colour.  Maintaining a strong identity Jaffer remains inspired by his mentor Ahmed Parvez and speaks of him fondly while talking about the various elements of his work currently on display. Apart from his occupation with a woman's face and its many moods, the fascination of colour in all its richness continues to be the hallmark of his work, explains Jaffer, who is also well known for his passion to collect and preserve art.

Internationally known for her prints and collages, visual artist Naz Ikramullah highlighting the new elements of her work mentions her experimentation with Oil bars. Discovering the medium for the first time and pleased with the result, Ikramullah talks about the texture and greater depth it has given to three of her paintings on display. A detailed yet distorted landscape of memories, figures, houses and more, her latest body of work also includes watercolour paintings, acrylic on canvas and photos shop collages. A specialised and seasoned printmaker, she currently teaches painting and printmaking at the Ottawa School of Art, Canada

Exhibiting extensively at home and abroad, all three artists participating in the group show are expats and currently reside in Canada.

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