Tuesday, February 14, 2017

How Trudeau trumped the Donald handshake

The US President has something very visibly unusual about his handshake, ever since his never-ending handshake with Shinzo Abe of Japan, Trump's handshake style has been making headlines. But the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, has managed to trump the infamous handshake.

Donald Trump has a habit of yanking the hand of his counterparts — often multiple times — towards him - vigorously jerk the hand up and down, and often pat it a couple of times with his other hand.

The aggressive, jerky movement he asserts with his handshake, has quickly gained a lot of popularity, especially on social media

Trump jerks and pulls hard on people's arms, almost knocking them off balance.

Some people including body language experts such as Darren Stanton have suggested that Trump's aggressive handshake technique is a way for him to try and exert dominance and authority over the other person involved - he wants to make it clear he's the one in control.

"Its purpose is to convey power and confidence to the other person, as if to say, 'Hey I'm in charge, don't mess with me," said Stanton

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the latest world leader to meet the US president, however, neutralised the invasive handshake with a clever combination of timing, balance and control, and didn't let Trump go down his usual route when they met on Monday - Trudeau put his hand on Trump's upper arm to stop himself being pulled in by the President.

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