Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Here is the first look for Kareena's Baby

The wait is over. Little Taimur born to proud parents Kareena and Saif on December 20, said 'Hi' to the world with this cute photo.

With his eyes closed tightly Taimur looks adorable. And Kareena looks beautiful, even without the layers of makeup we are used to seeing her with.

The couple announced Taimur's name in a joint statement soon after Kareena gave birth. However the little baby opened his eyes to a string of controversies.

Taimur, the Mongol emperor who conquered Delhi, is not very popular among Indians, who accuse him of massacring millions in his quest to extend his empire to India. Taimur is also linked to the first Mongol emperor who established his rule in the sub-continent, Babar.


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