Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Curious Case of Lines — Artistic expression in its purest form by Mohammad Ali Talpur

KARACHI: On display at Canvas gallery the masterful simplicity of his current works takes one back to the craft of drawing to highlight the power of its very basic tool called 'line'. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curved or free form-the monochromatic manipulation of this element in its purity is the essence of this art, which in itself is a reflection of the artist's mastery of his craft.

Speaking about the artist at the opening of the show at her gallery, Sameera Raja says among very few of his kind in Pakistan, the minimalist artist originally from Hyderabad, Sind is a 'purist' to the core. The precise arrangement of a cluster of lines in a variety of thickness creates a mesmerising illusion for the eye, she adds. Aptly titled 'till the last look' the contrast of black & white with a repetitive rhythm of lines in the series often appears to be moving or breathing due to its precise, mathematically-based composition according to the curator.

His current body of work including seven large-scale monochromatic acrylic canvases, two smaller works of ink on paper along with a line drawing engraved in white marble, is a result of his recent training in the tradition of calligraphy according to Mohammad Ali Talpur. The incredibly modern vocabulary and imagery of the work displayed are based on his exploration of the hidden or invisible geometric grid of the conventional art.

An alumni and faculty member of the prestigious National College of Arts (NCA) Lahore, Talpur is an established contemporary artist with numerous international residencies and shows to his credit.

His current solo show at Canvas gallery remains open until December 22nd.


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