Tuesday, October 24, 2017

We all make mistakes, Ali Zafar on Mahira-Ranbir picture leak

Singer Ali Zafar spoke about his prompt reaction to Mahira Khan and Ranbir Kapoor picture controversy and said that everyone makes mistakes but people should make an effort to be more compassionate towards one another.

"Ultimately, it's her [Mahira Khan's] life. I do understand that when being in the limelight one needs to be more careful about various things. But at the end of the day we are all humans. We all make mistakes and we need to be more compassionate and forgiving towards one another," he remarked in an interview with Gulf News.

As soon as the pictures were leaked, people criticised Mahira over her dressing, blackless white dress, and sharing a smoke with Ranbir.

Zafar also opened about the patriarchy in the society and shared "For so long in this part of the world we have suppressed women in general — especially us men who think that we are superior and women are our slaves."

He further said that many people treat women like their property and feel they can do anything to them. People think that they own women, he remarked.

"Every day you see people investing so much into negativity and spreading that negative energy just by judging somebody else, talking about somebody behind their back, assuming things," he said.

After the pictures of Mahira Khan and Ranbir Kapoor became a target of fans criticism. Zafar took to Twitter and came to support the actress.

In a handwritten note, the singer wrote "every woman has the right to make her own choices in life (as long as she's not hurting anyone). Just like men do."

Speaking about this, he shared "I don't think this is something great that I have done. These are just the basics. Our fundamentals and our basics are so wrongly placed that its taking time for us to get back to the right."

Revival of arts

The singer shared that there is a revival of arts in the country and hoped to play his part to improve the music and film industry.

"I wish to play my part in rebuilding the industry, be it music or film. So with this in mind, I ventured out into making my own first feature film, Teefa in Trouble, which we have already shot and completed," he said.

On the talent in the country, he remarked "There hasn't been any medium for artistic expression at the level it is meant to be. People have so much angst in them, aside from raw talent, who are itching to do something. There hasn't been any medium for artistic expression at the level it is meant to be. People have so much angst in them, aside from raw talent, who are itching to do something."

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