Wednesday, September 21, 2016

'Team Jennifer' - The Lady speaks at last

Well, it looks like Jennifer Aniston has finally spoken up over Brad and Angelina's divorce news and for all those on "Team Jennifer", you will be be gloating over what she has said.

A day after the divorce was filed by Angelina, Jennifer said that what was happening was karma!

An insider told Us Weekly that Aniston said after the split was revealed: 'Yeah, that's karma for you!' The 47-year-old actress reportedly said she "admittedly feels sort of satisfied about Brad and Angelina's split".

So why does Jennifer feel so satisfied about this news? Well, Brad and Jennifer were married before Angelina came in to their life. Whle they were married, Brad was shooting for his movie which had Angelina opposite him and that started their love affair which resulted in Brad cheating on Jennifer while they were married.

So Brad left Jennifer and now Angelina has left Brad – karma indeed!

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