Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Indian journalist asks Fawad Khan to ‘go back to Pakistan’

As if the Indian media blaming Pakistan right after the Uri attack wasn't enough, an Indian blogger also jumped on the anti-Pakistan bandwagon and found an easy target to lay the hate on — Pakistani actor Fawad Khan.

Fawad Khan, who sometime ago started working in Bollywood movies and proved his mettle too, was the subject of scorn for Indian blogger Soumyadipta Banerjee.

Banerjee wrote a blog on Bollywood Journalist titled 'Dear Fawad Khan. It's time. Go back to Pakistan'.

As the title is pretty self-explanatory, Banerjee said in his blog that he chose Fawad as he is ' the most famous Pakistani import to Bollywood'.

He said that by addressing Fawad h is aiming his message at every Pakistani import to Bollywood, including Rahet Fateh Ali Khan, Mahira Khan and Adnan Sami.

The journalist expressed the audacity to tell Fawad how Bollywood alleviated his financial status.

"Fawad, I don't think you can deny how much love we have showered on you over the past few years. We have given you more money in two years than what you could have possibly earned in Pakistan in 10 years. We have given you recognition that you would have never been able to earn sitting in Karachi. We made you act in great movies, we helped you endorse brands. And hey, we also made you a bigger star in Pakistan," he wrote.

As if a blog did not suffice equitable spread of vitriol, he also took to Twitter to express his views.

Banerjee apparently went overboard with his blog, even accusing Fawad of keeping mum over pain inflicted on India by 'your Mujahideen army'.

"You have chosen to keep quiet about us, our suffering and our death in the hands of your Mujahideen army. While we have given you only love, you have given us silence and that cute, dimpled smile of yours. Sorry Fawad, cultural exchanges cannot happen over dead bodies of our soldiers. We cannot shake hands with your country when their hands are covered in blood of our own countrymen," Banerjee stated in blog.

Some agreed to his tweets and statements, several others raised the basic question that how can an individual be criticized in context of entirety over such crucial matters.


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