Thursday, January 11, 2018

Shehzad Roy calls Kasur incident 'heart-wrenching', demands justice

Famous singer and social activist Shehzad Roy in a press conference on Thursday demanded that the culprits behind the rape and murder of seven-year-old Zainab should be given strictest punishment.

Roy, who presented Geo News' programme 'Chal Parha' depicting state of the government schools in Pakistan, called the incident in Kasur as heart-wrenching.

"To save the future Zainabs in Pakistan, better measures should be put in place," said the musician.

"In Pakistan, out of every five children, one is subjected to sexual abuse," said Roy, adding that the subject is still a taboo in the society.

"Most of the cases go unreported because there are laws for protection and we need to spread awareness about them" said the singer.

Roy said that stopping children from going out will not be justifiable and people need to teach their children and save from mishaps.

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