Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Michael Jackson was murdered, claims daughter

WASHINGTON: Paris Jackson has claimed that her father was murdered.

Giving her interview to a US-based paper, Rolling Stone, the 18-year-old said that her Late father "used to drop hint" that people wanted him dead.

"He would drop hints about people being out to get him. And at some point he was like, 'They're going to kill me one day.'

"All arrows point to that. It sounds like a total conspiracy theory but all real fans and everybody in the family knows it. "It was a setup," she said.

Speaking about her father she said: "I'd tell him, 'Let's take a nap,' because he looked tired. 

"My dad was exhausted all the time but couldn't sleep."

Paris claimed "a lot of people" wanted her father dead and that she is now seeking justice.

"I definitely do [want justice], but it's a chess game," she said. "And I am trying to play the chess game the right way. And that's all I can say about that right now."

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